Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back To Normal

Okay.. Really did not enjoyed my day at all. Geography literally killed me , Tuition isn't any better. Everyone of my friends are getting their phone jail breaked .. except me D: i confirm gonna make them see my jailbreaked phone once i found someone to help me ): anyways i seem to notice.. how i didn't pass geography for once LOL

I love my babe Wei Ling :PP shes an awesome friend heh heh! Today , the pearl twins fought with Sharmaine ): i can't make a decision and i definitely can't split myself into two parts.. WHAT TO DO ?! Chinese lessons are so troublesome now =.= facebook isn't fun like how it used to be unlike twitter<3

I'm glad that i'm finally getting sick :D have flu~ apparently i hope that can keep me out of school for sometimes now(: teacher's day is coming and my gifts are overdue! :O Got back with my baby boy shawn yesterday , i feel so much better >< looks like its a tough time handling matters alone... i'm so glad we patched up <3 MUACKS <3

okay i really gotta get some sleep.____. tomorrow is home economics.. SCREW PRESENTATIONS D; okay LOL nights.__.

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