Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best Sunday Eva ??

Okay maybe i wasn't that screwed up in Guitar Lessons today... But still.. i failed terribly. Forgotten to bring along pieces of important papers , got screwed up in the strumming parts of the song... Okay now serious part , Came across this facebook picture of an article saying Big Bang's GD newest solo video , One Of A Kind , actually sent 400 girls to the hospital in korea because their ovaries got really pain when they saw it.. ITS A SCAM KAY BITCH? D:

I'm sure none of that was expected bcuz oppa wouldn't do such a thing. Besides no one could explained what had happened even after they were sent to the hospital weren't they? Anyways.. I'm so glad Oppas from BigBang are coming to perform in Singapore on the 28th & 29th Sept... i'm gna beg like hell to ask Sherman kor kor treat me watch for free heh heh...

I'm so glad i patched up with me buddy , Wei Ling , missed her so much:3 even though we actually fallen out because of something wrong and we became enemies for a long period of time , i'm just glad to have her back^^ heehee Friends Forever YOOO :PP Well... I'm kinda in a tight space now because the exams are coming and it wouldn't be a nice excuse to skip extra classes on Mondays right? * pouts * but I HAVE THOSE MONDAY BLUES and i love the Friday nights :D still.... stay strong Jamieeeee you can still survive the week.. besides this friday is gna pretty early :DDD okay than... see you tmr bloggie * muacks muacks * haha

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