Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A New Day . My New Start.

The September holidays are coming to an end ): and to be really honest , i'm not even prepared to have tests once the holidays are over... and as you know , my BFF , Sean , confessed to me didn't he? :3 well.. i accepted. He was so cute when he blush like theres no tomorrow for him. The look on his face when i hugged him from letting him get too crazy , i should've taken a photo of that. #regrettednotdoingit

He saved 2 lifes today. I'm so proud :3. He saved a puppy's life because the pup almost got run over by a car. Can't believe he risk his life for the cute thing. Now its in his house , staying with him<3. Secondly , he saved a lady's life during dinner. He was at the KTV lounge with his family when he met this drunk man outside holding a glass wine trying to attack her with the glass. He injured his right hand while doing so ): and all he can tell me is " Don't worry , I'm fine , as long as you're okay and that lady is safe , this cut means nothing to me. I may not be smiling as brightly on the inside , but i know , keeping you safe , making you smile is what brightens up my day. Thank you for being with me " thats when i cried.

He was so sweet to me. He didn't let me out of sight at all. I don't know why but he seems to be the one that will be in my life forever. Like what Jordin Spark's song was , Tattoo. I bet Sean is going to be a Tattoo in my life. Permanant. I'm glad we're together. I'm glad you're mine. You once told me , whoever was in love you will be luckiest girl in the world. And i teased you saying that you're thick skin and all. But now , I can agree with what you said. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you for loving me. <3

okay(: as promised i did post tonight. Tomorrow is a Thursday and its band day<3 i will have to treasure it hard because there will be no more of CCA after this holiday. I LOVE YOU BAND <3 Nights (:

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