Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday~ ~ ~

Its Tuesday! Exams are coming in less than 2 weeks!! Anyone prepared? I know i'm not fully prepared yet. My cough hasn't recovered ): . Today i left my FAM , ~Pokemon~ , i won't say the reason , but i really liked those times where i spent with them. I joined a new FAM called Pretentious i guess , not sure LAWL.

Tomorrow is a Wednesday alr :O than pretty soon its gna be FRIDAY FRIDAY<3 To be honest , i have nothing much to type this two days. its just typical.(: Ouh , and a huge welcome to the Pandas that arrived in singapore !!! I love pandas cuz they're so cool. Black , White and Asian. i wonder what happens if one of them puts on dye.. meh my imagination =.=

when i went home ,  i was thinking about class. I'm not certain if i should give History up for Geography or the other way round. Can't really make up my mind. Next week thursday is practical session. SA2 and competition betweeen the academic classes. we decided with zoe and hirdir's cupcake group. Mass production.  I hope everything is going to run smoothly.

Okay its kind of late now , still haven't pack my bags for classes tomorrow. Nightie Nights (:

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