Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sorry Peeps ):

Its been awhile since i posted.... Too busy :P with what? I'm not telling! Lately i'm trying to calm myself down because i just suffered a heartbreak , but i'm glad my best friend , Sean ( who said girls can't have a boy best friend =.= ) , he has been keeping me company all this while. appreciate you TTM :3

and those people that is confused right now , no this is a different sean that i mention on Instagram plz(: Well anyways that title of BoyBestFriendForever might expire soon.. because i received a text from him not long ago...

Hey Jamie? Yea.. I need to talk to you.. I know this is sudden but i can't see you getting hurt like this anymore. I'm willing to be there forever in your life if you would just let me. I can't bear to see you looking so gloomy whenever i asked you out for some Party time , you're hurting me too. Look , i can't promise you that i will solve all of the problems that you're suffering from now , but i can promise that you're not going to that alone anymore. Yes , i know i'm not better from you , but i am willing to make you smile no matter what is happening to you or to me. I hope you will reconsider me... I really want to spent my life with you , I just know you're the one. Don't let this affect our Friendship though. Okay... Smile for me alright?

To be honest , i didn't think he was joking. I re-read that message 10 times in a row and literally threw myself out of the bed trying to call him... I just found out that he is in the hospital because he injured his foot.. I'm blogging about this because SEAN , I WANT YOU TO KNOW , I'M GLAD I MET YOU :3 and yes . i'll consider :3. To.Be.Honest. I think i'm having butterflies in my stomach... gosh the sudden reaction change=.= September isn't really loving me much. On the 2nd , my toe nail broke and my mom gave me a bad news with a sacarstic face saying its dead._. ha , okay..

I'll end here(: will post tonight if possible! BUAI :3

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