Sunday, September 9, 2012

ByeBye Holidays * cry *

Its a sunday ): , that means holidays are over!!!!!!! NUOOO..... !!!!! Tomorrow is a monday alr , and wow LOL looks like everyone actually pushed their homework till today! Ouh , incase you guys play AsiaSoft games haha and it happens to be AuditionSEA Season4 , i would gladly like you to add me , ~Pichu~ , LOL yes i know its shocking but im THE ~Pichu~ from pokemon hahaha , or maybe my main account RawrAngels , for some. My twitter , @angelzxc

LOL i don't know why am i doing this but.... out of boredom maybe? I made a few mistakes today and i'm so so so sorry to my pokemon FAM. I really am a xmm -_-|| Okay so ... My fever is gone ( finally ) but i'm still coughing. Coughing like an idiot. Today we finally actually done the chinese video project , argh... so many NG's. I feel so irritated just by looking at the mistakes that we made , but we laughed at them too! Looks like everyone is falling sick in this Month of September. Wow , exams are nearing. And i found the reason to my sickness. The Haze. The haze nowadays here in Singapore ( i dont know where the heck which country is burning ) ,  is getting from bad to worst. Difficulty breathing.

I hope it rains though , but just thinking about the rain , my main came out with the two words " acid rain " LOL. environmetal friendly maybe? Okay its tiring just thinking about what to say.... haiz.. Just a goodbye to holidays , those having PSLE this year , GOOD LUCK :3 , okay lah , nights ^^

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