Thursday, September 6, 2012

What The ... Friday

First thing first. I'm not happy. I'm sick so i :
 - Lost my beetchy voice
- Lost my ability to laugh
- Headache
- aching all the way
- coughing so badly
- fainted ealier.

To be honest , i really hate to be sick on a holiday not a school day. Its seriously makes no sense. And now because i'm sick , my cousins can't come to grammy's house at all to keep me company. so screw the sickness of all days. i'm trying my best not to faint again lawl. Daddie dearest is taking me to see the doctor tonight. Hope its not past 9 because i wanna watch the channel 8 show that i'm so despo to watch :/

My brother is blasting JB's song. Yesh i am an anti fan of him but i love his songs. even though i don't really like Bieber and often tease him , i salute him. His songs are meaningful to me , every single album he releases , every song he composed , all has a meaning behind it. I'm glad that i still love his songs even though i'm more into Kpop now. Really appreciate the songs(:

So darn guilty. I'm sick and my lunch hasn't arrived. Sean told me he will wait for me to eat before he does , i thought he was kidding with me , but i didn't believe it that he was dead serious with me. I made him starve until now because of my lunch :/ i feel so bad. Sorry sweetie ): ouh , and both of us actually pranked Junfa today. Sean told him that i was kidnapped jokingly , didn't expect Junfa was that serious to believe him. Ran out of the house towards the MRT when he almost got banged down by a car. I feel twice as guilty after he called me. Awesomeness of my son that i have. caring and thoughtful. i learnt not to prank people like him because he is too vulnerable (:

Before i end of and get on with my gaming and resting , i wanna thank everyone that has been in there for all my life. caring and loving me throughout. i promise i won't let you guys down at all :3 ouh , and... i haven't done my homework LAWL so... GG to me tonight !

Loves <3

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