Monday, September 17, 2012

EOY * sobs *

Hey... My Blog... haiz.. i have like so many depressing cases ): first thing first is that EOY ( End Of Year ) Examinations are just in 15 days time and counting down ... gosh i haven't even started my revision. The main reason why am i blogging after so long is because i promised myself to balance my time and blog as soon as i have the time.. well , my aim is to sleep at 11:30pm sharp so i can wake up early tomorrow for school.

Today is the 17 September 2012. A Monday , and it is oh so not in favour to my odds. Physical Education was the first two periods. And wow oh wow me. I'm surprised with an unexpected splinter after helping out with Mr Iskandar to help carrying the wooden goalposts for floorball , just 50 mins ago , my mother went to cut my skin out just to take that fcuking splinter out of my beautiful middle finger. Bleeding profusingly , but i like the feel of it.

Skipped Befrienders for a whole self study time with my babe Wei Ling but it didn't turn out well... got distracted a lot of times. Tomorrow she is dropping by my house again , and its time for seriousness. muting all cellphones and putting aside computer. I can't believe my dear Yuhan left for korea for 7 days because of family matters back in his homeland. Come to think of it , we are not going to have any contact with each other ( which makes me worry about his well being ). It was such a short notice.

Heard the airplane fly pass my house , i hope he is doing fine now.. come home soon dear.. and because of this i lose all concentration. I'm going to swear i have to pass my SA2 this semester including my hatred subjects. I'm almost done with geography notes and i left like... 8 more subjects =_= i wonder how am i going to survive this remaining week. just seriously , FML.

I think i'll stop here , wanna end on time so i can relax and wake up to reality before nightmares start hitting me hard and giving me sleepless nights once more time. Well , Jamie you bitch , stop daydreaming and start realising your surroundings already , Daydreaming time shall stop now.


I Love You Blog(:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday~ ~ ~

Its Tuesday! Exams are coming in less than 2 weeks!! Anyone prepared? I know i'm not fully prepared yet. My cough hasn't recovered ): . Today i left my FAM , ~Pokemon~ , i won't say the reason , but i really liked those times where i spent with them. I joined a new FAM called Pretentious i guess , not sure LAWL.

Tomorrow is a Wednesday alr :O than pretty soon its gna be FRIDAY FRIDAY<3 To be honest , i have nothing much to type this two days. its just typical.(: Ouh , and a huge welcome to the Pandas that arrived in singapore !!! I love pandas cuz they're so cool. Black , White and Asian. i wonder what happens if one of them puts on dye.. meh my imagination =.=

when i went home ,  i was thinking about class. I'm not certain if i should give History up for Geography or the other way round. Can't really make up my mind. Next week thursday is practical session. SA2 and competition betweeen the academic classes. we decided with zoe and hirdir's cupcake group. Mass production.  I hope everything is going to run smoothly.

Okay its kind of late now , still haven't pack my bags for classes tomorrow. Nightie Nights (:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

ByeBye Holidays * cry *

Its a sunday ): , that means holidays are over!!!!!!! NUOOO..... !!!!! Tomorrow is a monday alr , and wow LOL looks like everyone actually pushed their homework till today! Ouh , incase you guys play AsiaSoft games haha and it happens to be AuditionSEA Season4 , i would gladly like you to add me , ~Pichu~ , LOL yes i know its shocking but im THE ~Pichu~ from pokemon hahaha , or maybe my main account RawrAngels , for some. My twitter , @angelzxc

LOL i don't know why am i doing this but.... out of boredom maybe? I made a few mistakes today and i'm so so so sorry to my pokemon FAM. I really am a xmm -_-|| Okay so ... My fever is gone ( finally ) but i'm still coughing. Coughing like an idiot. Today we finally actually done the chinese video project , argh... so many NG's. I feel so irritated just by looking at the mistakes that we made , but we laughed at them too! Looks like everyone is falling sick in this Month of September. Wow , exams are nearing. And i found the reason to my sickness. The Haze. The haze nowadays here in Singapore ( i dont know where the heck which country is burning ) ,  is getting from bad to worst. Difficulty breathing.

I hope it rains though , but just thinking about the rain , my main came out with the two words " acid rain " LOL. environmetal friendly maybe? Okay its tiring just thinking about what to say.... haiz.. Just a goodbye to holidays , those having PSLE this year , GOOD LUCK :3 , okay lah , nights ^^

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What The ... Friday

First thing first. I'm not happy. I'm sick so i :
 - Lost my beetchy voice
- Lost my ability to laugh
- Headache
- aching all the way
- coughing so badly
- fainted ealier.

To be honest , i really hate to be sick on a holiday not a school day. Its seriously makes no sense. And now because i'm sick , my cousins can't come to grammy's house at all to keep me company. so screw the sickness of all days. i'm trying my best not to faint again lawl. Daddie dearest is taking me to see the doctor tonight. Hope its not past 9 because i wanna watch the channel 8 show that i'm so despo to watch :/

My brother is blasting JB's song. Yesh i am an anti fan of him but i love his songs. even though i don't really like Bieber and often tease him , i salute him. His songs are meaningful to me , every single album he releases , every song he composed , all has a meaning behind it. I'm glad that i still love his songs even though i'm more into Kpop now. Really appreciate the songs(:

So darn guilty. I'm sick and my lunch hasn't arrived. Sean told me he will wait for me to eat before he does , i thought he was kidding with me , but i didn't believe it that he was dead serious with me. I made him starve until now because of my lunch :/ i feel so bad. Sorry sweetie ): ouh , and both of us actually pranked Junfa today. Sean told him that i was kidnapped jokingly , didn't expect Junfa was that serious to believe him. Ran out of the house towards the MRT when he almost got banged down by a car. I feel twice as guilty after he called me. Awesomeness of my son that i have. caring and thoughtful. i learnt not to prank people like him because he is too vulnerable (:

Before i end of and get on with my gaming and resting , i wanna thank everyone that has been in there for all my life. caring and loving me throughout. i promise i won't let you guys down at all :3 ouh , and... i haven't done my homework LAWL so... GG to me tonight !

Loves <3

The Best Thursday

Tattoo. ( For All Heartbroken People )

Today was the greatest September Holiday. Thursday. Had fun in band today , learnt alot of new things. I'm just glad , that i am a band member. At least there , i finally found where i belong , where music grows and you can learn more about how it works. Music is in my veins , always will be. Band made me realize how discipline i can be , make me understand how music is important. I appreciate each and every instructor for every section , thank every seniors that guided us , the biggest thanks would be to both our Sirs , Mr Eddie and Mr Ian Lum. They help us with all we can , guided us , clear all of our questions. I'm just glad , really thankful to be in the PRSS Band Family.

That song by Jordin Sparks. Tattoo. Its worth listening to even though it was released in the year 2009. A very good vocalist. One of the best i listened to. I dedicate this song to all the heartbroken people , the brave ones that don't fear love. and to my ex. I appreciate whoever started music. whoever made sounds. I thank Jesus for making music exist.

I'm happy that Clarissa is back on AuditionSEA with me again! Miss her TTM. She quited it because it was boring and ditched me for her MapleStory , but i'm glad she came back and now came back to play with me heh heh. Her skills are rusty , but i think i'll coach her like the other stiffy's i'm coaching. Literally i can't wait for the Love Party to commence. Can't believe my dad is almost reaching the Max Ring. Jealous TTM.

Tonight will be another round with Sean. I'm glad he entered my life. Endured all pain with me. Nothing can tear us apart! Forever Oppa ShinYuHan Loves Song JiYeon. Hey sweetie? I wanna thank you for being my friend , to my Boy Best Friend , to my Boy Best Friend For Life and now my guy<3 I'll treasure you thats for sure^^

Okay , i'll end here. To everyone out there , Don't pick rocks anymore , Look closer and see who is the shining crystal you have been searching for. And DEFINITELY don't throw rocks at the crystals that have been there with you all this while. Bye(: LOVE YOU PEEPS ;P

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A New Day . My New Start.

The September holidays are coming to an end ): and to be really honest , i'm not even prepared to have tests once the holidays are over... and as you know , my BFF , Sean , confessed to me didn't he? :3 well.. i accepted. He was so cute when he blush like theres no tomorrow for him. The look on his face when i hugged him from letting him get too crazy , i should've taken a photo of that. #regrettednotdoingit

He saved 2 lifes today. I'm so proud :3. He saved a puppy's life because the pup almost got run over by a car. Can't believe he risk his life for the cute thing. Now its in his house , staying with him<3. Secondly , he saved a lady's life during dinner. He was at the KTV lounge with his family when he met this drunk man outside holding a glass wine trying to attack her with the glass. He injured his right hand while doing so ): and all he can tell me is " Don't worry , I'm fine , as long as you're okay and that lady is safe , this cut means nothing to me. I may not be smiling as brightly on the inside , but i know , keeping you safe , making you smile is what brightens up my day. Thank you for being with me " thats when i cried.

He was so sweet to me. He didn't let me out of sight at all. I don't know why but he seems to be the one that will be in my life forever. Like what Jordin Spark's song was , Tattoo. I bet Sean is going to be a Tattoo in my life. Permanant. I'm glad we're together. I'm glad you're mine. You once told me , whoever was in love you will be luckiest girl in the world. And i teased you saying that you're thick skin and all. But now , I can agree with what you said. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you for loving me. <3

okay(: as promised i did post tonight. Tomorrow is a Thursday and its band day<3 i will have to treasure it hard because there will be no more of CCA after this holiday. I LOVE YOU BAND <3 Nights (:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sorry Peeps ):

Its been awhile since i posted.... Too busy :P with what? I'm not telling! Lately i'm trying to calm myself down because i just suffered a heartbreak , but i'm glad my best friend , Sean ( who said girls can't have a boy best friend =.= ) , he has been keeping me company all this while. appreciate you TTM :3

and those people that is confused right now , no this is a different sean that i mention on Instagram plz(: Well anyways that title of BoyBestFriendForever might expire soon.. because i received a text from him not long ago...

Hey Jamie? Yea.. I need to talk to you.. I know this is sudden but i can't see you getting hurt like this anymore. I'm willing to be there forever in your life if you would just let me. I can't bear to see you looking so gloomy whenever i asked you out for some Party time , you're hurting me too. Look , i can't promise you that i will solve all of the problems that you're suffering from now , but i can promise that you're not going to that alone anymore. Yes , i know i'm not better from you , but i am willing to make you smile no matter what is happening to you or to me. I hope you will reconsider me... I really want to spent my life with you , I just know you're the one. Don't let this affect our Friendship though. Okay... Smile for me alright?

To be honest , i didn't think he was joking. I re-read that message 10 times in a row and literally threw myself out of the bed trying to call him... I just found out that he is in the hospital because he injured his foot.. I'm blogging about this because SEAN , I WANT YOU TO KNOW , I'M GLAD I MET YOU :3 and yes . i'll consider :3. To.Be.Honest. I think i'm having butterflies in my stomach... gosh the sudden reaction change=.= September isn't really loving me much. On the 2nd , my toe nail broke and my mom gave me a bad news with a sacarstic face saying its dead._. ha , okay..

I'll end here(: will post tonight if possible! BUAI :3

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Its Thursday , Thursday !

heh heh ...... the moment i have been waiting since JANUARY !! Tomorrow is Friday , which is a day where we celebrate Teacher's day! ever since my secondary school life started , i had miss the times i spent my 6 years in a particuliar school.. i miss all my friends , my teachers and the food :P I can't wait for FRIDAY ~~~

I made lots of gifts ^^ but i'm so sorry that i didn't get to do it for my secondary school teachers in time heh heh.. i shall chiong!
Okay i really need some rest for tomorrow's celebration! heh heh NIGHTS~~

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back To Normal

Okay.. Really did not enjoyed my day at all. Geography literally killed me , Tuition isn't any better. Everyone of my friends are getting their phone jail breaked .. except me D: i confirm gonna make them see my jailbreaked phone once i found someone to help me ): anyways i seem to notice.. how i didn't pass geography for once LOL

I love my babe Wei Ling :PP shes an awesome friend heh heh! Today , the pearl twins fought with Sharmaine ): i can't make a decision and i definitely can't split myself into two parts.. WHAT TO DO ?! Chinese lessons are so troublesome now =.= facebook isn't fun like how it used to be unlike twitter<3

I'm glad that i'm finally getting sick :D have flu~ apparently i hope that can keep me out of school for sometimes now(: teacher's day is coming and my gifts are overdue! :O Got back with my baby boy shawn yesterday , i feel so much better >< looks like its a tough time handling matters alone... i'm so glad we patched up <3 MUACKS <3

okay i really gotta get some sleep.____. tomorrow is home economics.. SCREW PRESENTATIONS D; okay LOL nights.__.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Typical Tuesday

Huat Ah ! :P Today was an awesome day can! But why say Typical leh? cuz of lessons. Boring as ever , but the first period was AWESOME TTM , early in the morning first time receive good news :D Mr Ong was like " Okay i think Miss Chua is not here today. Please continue your silent reading " suddenly everyone was like YESS , HUAT AHHH , ZHONG TOTO LOL!
super epic class reaction can! Haha , but still... My class is super guailan=.= its like , important announcements , talk , cannot hear cher , cher angry , than keep quiet , a few seconds later than make noise again. irritating bodohs.

Today Band was so not happy with myself D: I couldn't play 120 beats on the metronome D: and to expect i thought i could.. disappointing T-T. shall try harder on the next practice! Not going to slack !.. And i guess what Joshua said was right , when sir is talking we are not allowed to talk.. and i want to admit , i did talk too... ): Shall take note of my actions ><. Well.. i really loved being in Band. But still , i get really angry at some of us because of the way we talk to sir like he is our best friend or someone that we know like super duper well. I just hate that ( ALOT )

Tomorrow is a Wednesday , bag is superb light #happygirl99 , for art lessons , PAINT ! :D Superb happy with my science results muahahaha ~~~~ shall work harder ! heehee , Sept Holidays are coming , i shall be going back to PCS this friday with my awesomeness 6Honesty <3 Miss them TTM ! haha , whenever i think back about our school days during our P6 Life together , it makes my eyes watery >< heehee anyways.. Long day ahead tomorrow.. gosh and i have like GEOGRAPHY D: totally ruins my mood ! Kay... Nights peeps heh heh

Monday, August 27, 2012

Am i right? Or am i wrong?

today was a totally tiring day. chinese teacher didn't like the proposal , tomorrow is the video taking rehearsals i guess , and i felt ouh so not prepared at all. we were suppose to act like gangsters/ahlians but in the end we turn out laughing. i just hope we won't need to stay back during Tuesdays because they are reserved for my CCA ): pray hard!

Yes , admit that i finally might be getting sick. whew... at least i don't really have to worry much. Looks like Hanisah is most likely back with us in school tomorrow , i wonder how is she.. and i mean like , really , only 3 days present during her P6 life , who the heck wouldn't be curious how she got in the school and what was her aggregate... i really missed her so much.

Yes... I'm broken up into million pieces. I think this time round having to use a glue or any other uses of super glue or sticky glue may be able to fix me back , but it will mentally hurt me inside. i can't believe ever since the June holidays , we were so fine but what happened to you? all those promises? those times that you said you'll never let me shed a single teardrop? who the heck are you kidding here? i'm not some 2 year old kid. you promised me that you had time for me during this upcoming holidays in Sept. YOU EFFING PROMISED. how can you go back on it? you know how hurt am i ? and what? wait till October? and you go all OOH OKAY. BITCH PLEASE. i'm sick and tired of trying so hard. so so hard to maintain myself.

And you still had the cheek to ask me why i cried? i don't know what i'm doing. Neither do i want it , but i don't have a choice. I can't let you hurt me any further. Thats it for the both of us. i'm never going to rewrite our story. you think about it.

anyways.. i'm sick , and i'm definitely tired of struggling through boring hist lessons. Goodnights

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best Sunday Eva ??

Okay maybe i wasn't that screwed up in Guitar Lessons today... But still.. i failed terribly. Forgotten to bring along pieces of important papers , got screwed up in the strumming parts of the song... Okay now serious part , Came across this facebook picture of an article saying Big Bang's GD newest solo video , One Of A Kind , actually sent 400 girls to the hospital in korea because their ovaries got really pain when they saw it.. ITS A SCAM KAY BITCH? D:

I'm sure none of that was expected bcuz oppa wouldn't do such a thing. Besides no one could explained what had happened even after they were sent to the hospital weren't they? Anyways.. I'm so glad Oppas from BigBang are coming to perform in Singapore on the 28th & 29th Sept... i'm gna beg like hell to ask Sherman kor kor treat me watch for free heh heh...

I'm so glad i patched up with me buddy , Wei Ling , missed her so much:3 even though we actually fallen out because of something wrong and we became enemies for a long period of time , i'm just glad to have her back^^ heehee Friends Forever YOOO :PP Well... I'm kinda in a tight space now because the exams are coming and it wouldn't be a nice excuse to skip extra classes on Mondays right? * pouts * but I HAVE THOSE MONDAY BLUES and i love the Friday nights :D still.... stay strong Jamieeeee you can still survive the week.. besides this friday is gna pretty early :DDD okay than... see you tmr bloggie * muacks muacks * haha

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm sick of everything

Okay look. I know nobody wishes to get sick during those exams periods or like during the specific day of the week that they don't wanna miss their favourite lessons in school...

BUT STILL D; everyone around is getting sick when they want to. So why not me ?! I wanna be sick. Get sick , and till now still unsuccessful D: WHYYYY !!!! Everyone's getting fever , sorethroat , ankle pain , headaches. Although i know getting sick is troublesome and they have to return to school someday but.. at least they have the chance to get away from the Teacher's in school am i not right? :O if feel so unfair to be the only one having fullest attendence in school like a school nerdie kid , 100% into school.. BUT NO IM NOT THAT KIND D: IM REBELLIOUS when i want to of course * smirks *

Anyways... I'm totally prepared for Band on this coming Friday because the Band Welfare Committee has almost finished planning on the Teacher's day items * wink wink * can't wait to see the faces on our two awesomeness coductors :D IPW lessons are as boring as ever. Even though our products and presentation slides are already prepared a week earlier , we still have not completed our Ferris Wheel because of Yik Aik D: but no worries , lucky we had back up plans , besides Mr Ong has already agreed to fail him for us , so we don't really need to bother much.

Gosh and tomorrow's guitar lesson... i am so screwed up. I didn't had the time to practise the strings :O so so so screwed T-T well.. all the best to me than~ I hope all of you are having a great Saturday already(: heehee none from me now... see you guys tmr than * winks *

Friday, August 24, 2012

Its been awhile D:

Oh gosh , its been SO SO SO SO long since i actually really devoted myself to making a blog , i shall treasure all the time i have with my computer and of course this blog :D
Channel 8 , 9pm ,我们等你 , favourite actors are Kimberly , Ian and Edwin :)
Follow me on Instagram maybe? @Angelmie or on twitter , @angelzxc i will follow back ! Tobe honest i'm not really good in taking photos but still i'm proud to be a camwhoring bitch.

I play the flute(: now for the end of year concert , we are all preparing this song called " Blue Ridge Saga " which is hard to practise :X but still .... we're going to try our best :D heehee until then.... RUNNING MAN HERE I COME :DDDD